Gender integration and mainstreaming are challenging but also have great rewards. This report tells the story of how six different agencies are integrating and mainstreaming gender into policies, programs, and procedures. Each story provides insight into the different approaches the organization has taken, the challengesthat were encountered, and what their most valuable lessons learned have been thus far. Many thanks to ACDI/VOCA, Catholic Relief Services (CRS), Lutheran World Relief (LWR), Mercy Corps, Project Concern International (PCI), and World Vision for contributing to this collection of gender integration stories.

This publication was made possible by a grant from the United States Agency for International Developmentā€™s (USAID) Technical and Operational Performance Support (TOPS) program. The TOPS Small Grants Program Improvement Award (PIA) is made possible by the generous support and contribution of the American people through USAID. The contents of the materials produced through the TOPS Small Grants Program Improvement Award do not necessarily reflect the views of TOPS, USAID or the United States Government. Lutheran World Relief led the effort to create the 2014 Storybook: INGO Experience with Gender Integration, by providing additional funds, staff time, and design. The stories were compiled by Cultural Practice, LLC using information gathered from strategies and policies, project documents, and websites for each organization.

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