Cultural Practice, LLC (CP) was a key subcontractor on the USAID-funded Integrating Gender and Nutrition within Agricultural Extension Services (INGENAES) project with University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, University of California, Davis, and University of Florida. In 2016, under the INGENAES project, CP led workshops on gender integration in agriculture for international development practitioners and students from Nepal. This built on work then conducted in Bangladesh and Zambia.

CP led the workshop “Addressing Gender Issues in Agricultural Technology Design, Use, and Dissemination” in Kathmandu, Nepal to build the capacity of students in the Master in International Cooperative Development (MICD) program, teaching them skills to guarantee agricultural technologies respond to the different needs of men and women farmers. The workshop included both a classroom and field component providing participants with hands-on experience in collecting and analyzing sex-disaggregated data using the INGENAES Technology Assessment tool. CP worked alongside participants, guiding them through the process.

Immediately following the workshop, CP led a one-week field-based activity for some of the participants to conduct assessments of agricultural technologies disseminated through USAID-funded projects. Participants traveled in teams in and around Dhulikhel where technologies are being disseminated and used by farmers. Staff from CIMMYT coordinated interviews with users and nonusers and with CIMMYT project staff. The data collected was used to develop a technology profile for a mini-tiller.
