In 2017, CP developed guidance materials on gender equity in irrigation projects, including a data collection tool, for the Water, Land, and Ecosystems CGIAR Research Program led by the International Water Management Institute (IWMI). IWMI created a pilot from the CP data collection tool and from that pilot developed the Gender in Irrigation Learning and Improvement Tool (GILIT) with the International Food Policy Research Institute in 2017.

From the report:

The Gender in Irrigation Learning and Improvement Tool (GILIT) identifies areas of policy and operations in formal irrigation schemes or project that have been successful or need adjustment to promote gender equity. The tool can facilitate learning and support equitable standards by collecting feedback and ideas for specific actions that scheme management can take to address gender inequities. The tool is a series of indicators clustered around three critical themes in gender and irrigation, with supporting discussion questions and an adaptable scoring system which can be found in the next section of this document.

It is assumed that the country or project context supports gender-related goals and aims for equity in access, participation, and benefits. The GILIT can assist project or scheme management in ensuring that governance and service provisions do not discriminate against or discourage women as well as providing women with supplementary support to achieve equity. This tool captures field-level experience of women and men to provide the most relevant feedback on how to formally support equitable outcomes.

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