In 2004, the Office of Agriculture requested a series of trainings on gender integration to be developed for its office staff in Washington, agriculture officers in missions, and its partners. The request was based on a desire to improve the integration of gender into office programs, activities, policies, and monitoring and evaluation systems as well as on recommendations in the draft Agriculture Office Gender Assessment that was presented to the office in April 2004. Four training activities were developed and carried out between April 2004 and June 2005, as listed below. In addition, the process led to a request under a different task order of the WID IQC to provide an additional “training preview” presentation to an audience of CRSP Directors during their meeting in Washington in June 2005.

In addition to the presentations and handouts included in this report, participants at each of the trainings received a CD-ROM with full text sources and bibliographic references on gender integration into agriculture and NRM. Each of the training sessions was a different length of time and was presented to a different type of audience, requiring adjustments and changes to the presentation as well as the exercises and background materials provided.

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