Between July 4 and 15, 2006, the USAID Office of Women in Development (EGAT/WID) collaborated with USAID/Armenia and Project NOVA to provide a two and a half day gender training workshop for USAID/Armenia’s health projects and associated NGO and Ministry of Health staff.

The purpose of the workshop was to enhance the gender integration skills of Project NOVA (in Armenian, “Innovations in Support of Reproductive Health”), the Eye Care Project, AED (Academy for Educational Development), PHCR (Primary Health Care Reform), and World Vision staff and local counterparts. The expected outcome of the workshop was to improve the capacity of USAID/Armenia-funded Project NOVA staff and counterparts to analyze the gender dimensions of reproductive and child health services and to develop concrete actions to integrate gender into programmatic activities. The workshop helped participants to recognize the importance of gender analysis in development policies and programs, and to improve the integration of gender analysis findings into program and policy planning, implementation, monitoring, and evaluation. In addition, the consultant conducted a two-hour session for USAID Mission staff on the requirements for gender integration in the USAID Automated Directive System (ADS), and on priority gender issues in Armenia. She also worked with the Project NOVA Monitoring and Evaluation Team to integrate gender considerations in their Performance Monitoring Plan (PMP).

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