On August 24, Cultural Practice, LLC (CP) led a webinar on a new methodology for assessing the degree to which agricultural technologies are gender-responsive in terms of their design, use, and dissemination. CP presented the Technology Assessment approach developed under the Integrating Gender and Nutrition within Agricultural Extension Services (INGENAES) project and explained how technology developers and implementers can use it to design agricultural technologies and distribution models to better reach men and women farmers.  This qualitative methodology was used to assess seven technologies in Bangladesh and Zambia. CP also trains development practitioners and students to conduct the assessment and integrate the findings into their projects.

Check out the recorded webinar presentation, hosted by Cristina Manfre and Caitlin Nordehn (Cultural Practice, LLC) to learn more: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0wKX9Inmt2g

Additional Resources:

Technology Profiles (Available at http://ingenaes.illinois.edu/apply/technology-profiles/)

Technology Assessment Poster

Photo: The pedal irrigation pump, “MoneyMaker Max” designed by Kickstart International, saves farmers time spent irrigating in Zambia. Photo credit: Lupiya Sakalar/INGENAES
