4-2016-2Published in May 2016, CP Co-Director Deborah Rubin’s discussion paper “Qualitative Methods for Gender Research in Agricultural Development” describes the use of qualitative approaches to illuminate gender relations in agricultural development research and project implementation. This discussion paper was produced as a part of the CGIAR Research Program on Policies, Institutions, and Markets (PIM), led by the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI). CP also provides support for CGIAR consortium members’ qualitative research activities under the Gender, Agriculture, and Assets Project (GAAP2).

Cover of Gender Analysis Toolkit for Health SystemsCP, in collaboration with Jhpiego, developed a toolkit to assist staff conducting project-level gender analysis across different areas of health including maternal, neonatal, adolescent and reproductive health, malaria, and HIV/AIDS conduct project-level analysis. The Gender Analysis Toolkit for Health Systems  prepared by Co-Director, Deborah Caro and Program Associate, Caitlin Nordehn of CP and Gender Director, Myra Betron of Jhpiego is available for download and through Jhpiego’s online platform. CP also co-facilitated a training to build Jhpiego’s Country Focal Team’s knowledge of key gender concepts and ability to conduct a gender analysis.

Check out 100+ publications on CP’s resource pageBrowse by topic: Agriculture & Food SecurityClimate Change & EnvironmentEconomic GrowthGender 360, and Health.
