USAID/Mexico launched its new country program under the Central America Mexico Regional Strategy in October 2003. USAID/Mexico’s new Environment Program focuses on conservation of critical natural resources and biodiversity, with an emphasis on watershed management through improved community participation and the creation of linkages between conservation and economic opportunities. With this objective in mind, the Environment Program is implementing several site-based and commodity-based activities designed to increase rural incomes in areas of high biodiversity.

The purpose of this Gender Assessment, through the assistance of the Office of Women in Development (USAID/WID), is to help the USAID Mexico Environment Program and its Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) partners build stronger linkages between environmental issues, economic growth, and gender equity. A specific focus has been placed on the activities of Conservation International’s (CI) Usumacinta Watershed Management Program in Chiapas as well as ecotourism activities conducted through this program.

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