The Feed the Future Integrating Nutrition in Value Chains (FtF-INVC) is a three-year USAID-funded project in Malawi that seeks to mitigate these challenges by sustainably reducing rural poverty and improving nutrition outcomes. To achieve these goals, FtF-INVC promotes, supports, and facilitates gender equitable market-driven, agriculture-led, and integrated economic growth approaches. The FtF INVC Project is managed by DAI, in partnership with Save the Children (SC), Michigan State University (MSU) and is implemented through a number of local partners: the National Association of Smallholder Farmers of Malawi (NASFAM), Farmers Union of Malawi (FUM), Catholic Development Commission(CADECOM), Malawi Milk Producers Association (MMPA), Nkhoma Hospital, and Pakachere Institute
of Health and Development Communication.

This gender and value chain assessment is part of the Feed the Future Integrating Nutrition in Value Chains (FtF-INVC) project’s activities to promote, support, and facilitate gender equitable approaches to improving agriculture and nutrition outcomes. It has the objective of identifying gender issues that should be addressed in the development of the soybean, groundnuts and dairy value chains, and to understand how gender issues affect the agriculture and nutrition linkage activities. Specifically, each  value chain is analyzed to identify gender-based constraints that limit participation, improved performance,  and access to benefits for either men or women. The findings and recommendations emerging from this assessment  will guide the monitoring and implementation of FtF-INVC to ensure that both men and women can participate in and benefit from its activities.

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