Conservation International (CI) and its Population – Environment (PE) Program sponsored a six-day Strategy Development and Gender Integration Workshop in the Philippines from June 15-20, 2004. The workshop brought together PE staff from four country programs: Madagascar, Philippines, Mexico and Cambodia to share lessons learned in integrated program implementation and monitoring, demonstrating success stories in the field and fostering cross-team collaboration and capacity building.

The overall objectives of the gender component of the workshop were to:
-Increase CI staff knowledge and awareness of gender concepts, of how gender relations affect the achievement of results in conservation, reproductive health and development, and how such interventions can improve gender outcomes.
– Increase CI staff knowledge and ability to incorporate gender issues into program design, implementation, monitoring, and analysis of CI’s conservation and population-environment programs.

The composition of the workshop was twelve women and thirteen men from the following countries: Cambodia (six), Guatemala (one), Mexico (five), Madagascar (three), and the Philippines (ten) (please see Participant List in Annex).

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