The “Assessing How Agricultural Technologies can Change Gender Dynamics and Food Security Outcomes” toolkit introduces a framework that considers the social context of the agricultural technologies and the specific challenges that women and men farmers face in using the technology. It focuses on three areas: time and labor; food availability, access, quality and safety; and income and assets.
The methodology was developed by Cultural Practice, LLC, as a consortium partner of the Integrating Gender and Nutrition within Agricultural Extension Services (INGENAES) project, funded by USAID. CP was a key subcontractor on the INGENAES project with University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, University of California, Davis, and University of Florida.
The methodology aids practitioners and researchers in assessing whether agricultural technologies they use or will use are gender-responsive and nutrition-sensitive in terms of design, use, and dissemination. The INGENAES technology assessment can be used to improve the design and dissemination of agricultural technologies in ways that increase adoption by men and women farmers.
The toolkit was piloted between 2015 and 2017 in Bangladesh, Zambia, Nepal, and Sierra Leone. It is available for download in 5 parts – Introduction, Part 1: Learn, Part 2: Apply, and Part 3: Share, as well as the various technology profiles.